Mechanical Engineering Course


First, I would like to clear you that “Mechanical Engineering” does not refer to just “mechanic”.
Mechanical Engineering (ME) is fully based on the term “Mechanism”. The Mechanism is about the concept on which the law of physics, material science, environment condition and mathematics are involved in the design, production, manufacturing and maintenance.
Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest & broadest disciplines of engineering. It has been accepted in professional education during the early 19th century.
Let’s know more about!
If you are interested in machinery, functions, robotics, material science, micro devices, weapons design, aircraft, watercraft, and their manufacturing, then mechanical engineering is the best choice to prove your ability & interest and find the career which you wish to.

Jobs & Career

After the completion of the course in mechanical engineering, lots of opportunities are there in various fields of manufacturing, production, services and development. This is the age of machines and where, there is machines, there is opportunity for mechanical engineers.
Various industries in India and Abroad are hiring the engineers. A mechanical engineer fits in every industry.
Your job title is……..
  • Acoustics engineer
  • Automotive engineer
  • Building systems engineer
  • Chief mechanical engineer
  • Cryogenics engineer
  • Design engineer – mechanical
  • Heating specialist engineer
  • Lubrication engineer
  • Mechanical engineer
  • Mould design engineer
  • Nuclear engineer
  • Power plant engineer
  • Robotics engineer
  • Thermal power engineer
  • Tool engineer
  • Tribologist
After the completion of degree in mechanical engineering you can go for the public/private sector or government sector as well.
